INDIANA Indiana Code, Sections 16-7-5-1, through 16-7-5-7, and Sections 16-7- 4.5-4 Indiana law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations, which under previous statutes includes all common carriers. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog's presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damage the dog may do to the premises. Equal housing accommodations are guaranteed by Indiana law to dog guide users. (*16-7-5.5-4) Public accommodations include hotels, restaurants, stores, places of amusement and resort, and all other places or establishments that cater or offer their services, facilities, or goods to the general public. (*16-7-5-2) Violation: Any person, firm, or corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the above enumerated rights can be fined up to $100, or imprisoned up to three months, or both. (*16-7-5-3)